Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Fast-food Novels

Currently I have 7 novels in some form of completion. The oldest is probably six or seven drafts old while the latest is only one. There's also a lot of my own musing (a lot of "the thoughts between", get it? ha!) that go into my longer works. Because it's 2:45 am and I feel like spilling this out, I thought I'd distill the thematic concerns of all my novels to their essence, just in case you either don't read them, don't plan to read them, or, if you have read them, misunderstood them.

These concerns were actually intentional as I wrote them, though they clarified themselves in later drafts once I had the flow of the actual story(s) down.

Vermin Street (1 & 2): Little pests in a little house in a little civilization that they believe is so important. Could this apply on a slightly larger scale to any other species we know of? Hmm...

The Green-Eyed Monster: The ability of pettiness and blind emotion to destroy awesome potential.

Negative Space: Embrace your past, embrace your nature (even the animal) because it's what helps you know and create you and your future.

The Armistan Chronicles: Videogames are not ruining our children, dammit. When executed well they are wellsprings of passion, inspiration, and in the case of this book and my own experiences, a way for outcasts to form relationships with one another.

Students of Synchronism: We're all connected, or, as Vonnegut says, "all in the same machine."

Database Divine: We make our own realities. So do we want peace, or not?

There'll be a bigger thought posted tomorrow, I gaurantee it.


Rachel V. Olivier said...

Interesting that you were posting this just as the lunar eclipse was going from prenumbra (partway showing of the moon) to umbra (the dark of the moon).

Chandra Rooney said...

Are you bringing something for me to read to the September writer's meeting? (Was it GEM that I asked for?)

I'll bring your binder. :)